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Northwest Cares

Northwest Cares (heart)

The employees at Northwest Bank participate in a program called Northwest Cares, a benevolent fund started in 1994. They donate their own money to this program, that the Bank then matches, which is designed to help individuals with specific needs through referrals. The mission of Northwest Cares is “To extend a helping hand, through donations, to those with special needs in our communities.”

You can help Northwest Cares by letting us know who in your community is facing a difficult situation by filling out the Special Needs Referral form below. Please refer situations you are aware of, for example a child who needs a winter coat, a house fire, medical expense assistance, etc. These referrals are then passed on to a committee of employees who review the referral and respond to the specific needs of those involved.

Northwest Cares thanks you for your help and consideration!

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