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Visa Features & Benefits

Your Northwest Bank Visa debit and credit cards give you access to additional features, benefits and security directly from Visa! 

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Your Visa Checkout Experience is Evolving with visa checkout image 

Online payment processes are evolving to address completing multiple form fields during checking and helping to decrease fraud.  With Visa’s implementation of EMV® Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) standard, Visa SRC aims to provide a simple and secure card payment experience by optimizing the collection of payment details from consumers. Visa SRC transactions can benefit from Visa Token Service, fraud prevention and real-time transaction risk analysis. 

What is Visa SRC (Secure Remote Commerce)? 

Visa SRC reduces the need to enter primary account numbers, passwords and reducing the amount of lengthy form fields at checkout just look for this icon visa checkout icon.   

  • Provides a simpler, more consistent digital checkout experience
  • Uses a single payment profile across various participating merchants and devices
  • Make payment credentials less vulnerable to fraud

Online Shopping. Simplified. 

Checkout with fewer clicks | Online buying is evolving. Now when you see this icon [new online checkout logo.] at any site that accepts Visa, you can enjoy an easy, smart and secure checkout experience.

Easy | This Icon [new online checkout logo.]means you can say good-bye to passwords and long form fields when making a purchase.

Smart | Activate/Set Up once at any participating merchant site and choose "remember me" and "trust this device" on your trusted devices to enjoy the same time-savings digital experience when you see this icon [new online checkout logo.]where Visa is accepted. 

Consumers can also set up their Visa Cards prior to checkout at Visa's enrollment page

Secure |  You can feel confident using your Visa card knowing that Visa uses advanced technology and multiple layers of payment security to help protect your card against unauthorized use by fighting fraud, reducing risk, and helping to make transactions fast and worry-free. 

How It Works

  • Consumers will need to enter Visa credit, debit, or reloadable prepaid card information the first time they engage or click to pay at participating merchant sites or when new cards are used or added. 
  • Once they have entered their Visa card information, consumers can choose "remember me" and “trust this device,” on your secure devices during checkout to enjoy the same time-saving experience when they see this icon [new online checkout logo.] where Visa is accepted.
  • Existing Visa Checkout users will only need to authenticate their Visa cards upon first-time use. 


Q: What is Visa Secure Remote Commerce (Visa SRC)?
A: Visa SRC is Visa’s solution for ecommerce payments based upon the EMV® Secure Remote Commerce (EMV SRC) standards and specifications. With EMV SRC, a single payment profile can be used across a variety of consumer devices and participating online merchants. The standards include a common payment icon for card-based digital transactions, support for cardholder verification methods, and a common data payload built on PANs (Primary Account Numbers) and ability to support Network Tokens.

Q: Is Visa SRC secure?
A: Visa applies its set of robust security and risk management tools to all its digital payment technologies; Visa Secure Remote Commerce has multiple layers of consumer protection controls. Visa SRC can also support tokens, which can help prevent compromising card information.

Q: What is multi-layered payment security for SRC?
A: Visa SRC uses a multi layered approach. It recognizes and authenticates consumers in several ways including consumer identifiers, one-time passcodes and device binding. Visa’s anti-fraud detection system monitors every payment in real time, analyzing more than 500 unique risk attributes. Visa also monitors nearly half a billion payments on the Visa network daily to help protect sensitive cardholder and transaction information.

Q: I use VISA CHECKOUT,what happens to my existing cards when I pay with Visa SRC? 
A: You may see updates to your saved cards as Visa aims to bring you an easy, smart and secure online checkout wherever you see [new online checkout logo.]. Some existing Visa Checkout users may need to re-verify themselves through one-time codes when clicking to pay for the first time. All Visa cards stored in your Visa Checkout account will be available for use where Visa is accepted. You can set up new cards to click to pay with Visa’s easy, smart and secure online checkout with [new online checkout logo.] at a participating retailer at checkout.
Your non-Visa cards saved in Visa Checkout will not automatically transfer. You will need to set up to click to pay with ? [new online checkout logo.] through the corresponding card network.

Q: Can I stay signed in? 
A: Yes, you have two choices.

  • You can choose to be remembered on your device when you set up your Visa card for Visa’s easy, smart and secure online checkout so that you can see your card the next time you click to pay with[new online checkout logo.] on that device or browser. You’ll still need to enter a one-time code to verify your identity before completing a transaction.
  • You can also choose to stay signed in and skip entering a one-time code when using your Visa card by selecting Trust this Device. It’s a great way to make your checkout experience even faster and easier. These choices are not recommended for shared devices.

Q: If I select Remember Me what happens?
A: By turning on Remember Me, Visa will remember you on that browser or device. The next time you click to pay with [new online checkout logo.], you’ll see your cards, email address, names, phone numbers and addresses. You’ll simply need to enter a one-time code to verify your identity. This feature is not recommended for shared devices.

Q: If I select Trust This Device what happens?
A: By turning on Trust this Device, Visa will remember you on that browser or device, and you will automatically be signed in. Not only will you be able to see your information, you also won’t need to enter a one-time code to check out when you use your Visa card(s) set up for this online checkout experience. Note that you may be asked to enter a one-time code in certain circumstances for security reasons. This feature is not recommended for shared devices.

Q: Where is the card stored for SRC?
A: All Visa cards are stored on Visa’s SRC system and each transaction is safeguarded through secure data exchange. Non-Visa cards will be stored on their respective Network SRC systems.

Q: Does this apply to Vista debit and credit cards? 
A: Yes, this change applies to all Visa cards including credit and debit cards.

Q: Can a Consumer "opt-out"? 
A: If a consumer doesn't want their personal information stored in SRC, they will have the option not to store the card and enter their information and other applicable payment information each time they check out. 

Q: Do I need to enroll my card? 
A: Consumers are not required to enroll their cards by any certain date.  If a cardholder has never used Visa Checkout they will be asked to enter their information and will have the option to store their personal information on the Visa SRC system at that time.  If a consumer would like to enroll their card prior to making an online purchase they can do so at Visa's enrollment page

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Visa Account Updater (VAU) Program

Northwest Bank Personal and Business customers (excluding HSA and Prepaid Cards) who use their Debit Card for monthly or periodic payments can now take advantage of a new program offered through Visa called, Visa Account Updater (VAU). Visa will automatically and securely send your updated card number and expiration date to participating VAU merchants that you have a relationship with when your debit card is renewed or reissued and activated.

Cardholder benefits of the VAU service includes:

  • Less chance of interrupted service from merchants who participate in VAU
  • Reduces the chance of your payment being disrupted due to out-of-date card information


Q: How does VAU work?
A: Visa Account Updater (VAU) is a service that facilitates the secure exchange of updated card information between participating merchants and Visa card issuers. Please note: Not all merchants participate in automatic updates. Updates are not guaranteed by merchants before the next billing cycle.

Q: Is there a charge or fee for the VAU service?
A: No, this is a free service!

Q: When will my updated debit card information be securely shared with participating merchants?
A: When your debit card is renewed or reissued and actived, your debit card information will automatically be updated by Visa within 2 business days after the card number or expiration date changes.

Q: What information is being shared with participating merchants?
A: This service will automatically update the card number and expiration date on file if you have recurring payments set up with your debit card. Merchants that participate in this VAU program will automatically receive your updated debit card information.

Q: What if I want to discontinue or opt-out of the VAU service?
A: Northwest Bank debit cards issued and activated after October 31, 2017 are automatically enrolled in this service, however if you choose not to participate, you can opt-out of VAU at any time by contacting your local Northwest Bank location or by calling Customer Service at 1-800-678-4105.

Q: Can a business owner, signer, etc. opt-out all business Visa debit cards from the VAU service on behalf of the business?
A: No, only the individual linked to the card can opt-out of the automatic VAU service.

Q: How do I know if my merchant participates in VAU?
A: You may contact your merchant directly for more information.

The EMV® SRC payment icon, consisting of a pentagon design oriented on its side with a stylized depiction of a fast forward symbol on the right, formed by a continuous line, is a trademark owned by and used with permission of EMVCo, LLC.

EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC.

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